Covid-19 Policy

Q: Will e-commerce stay active?

We remain open 24-7 so you can shop on our website. Our customer service team is ready to help with any and all questions via email.

Q: How long will shipping take?

Over the last few weeks, we’ve adjusted our practices to ensure that we’re fulfilling orders in a way that protects the health and safety of our associates — and as a result, orders will experience minor shipping delays as well as possibly delays from USPS.

Q: Will your return policy change?

Our return policy is flexible for anyone who needs additional time. We have not extended the policy to 60 days, but if you need longer, you can send us an email and we can assist.

Q: What steps are you taking to create a safe environment?

We want to assure you of the safety measures we’re taking for you and our employees. Everyone is required to wear a mask. We have temperature scanning, regular sanitization and deep-cleaning, and social distancing measures in place.

If you have any other questions please email us at